Overall Top 20 Editor's Picks
Andrew Barker
Neal Chandran
Eric Farand
Patrick Gann
Sam Hansen
Derek Heemsbergen
John P. Hussey
Josh Lewis
Abraham Ashton Liu
Liz Maas
John McCarroll
Stephen Meyerink
Kyle E. Miller
Dennis Rubinshteyn
Michael Salbato
John Tucker
Kimberley Wallace
Dave Yeager
The Hall of Shame

The Hall of Shame
10) Blaze & Blade - 48%
9) Deep Labyrinth - 48%
8) Heroes of Mana - 46%
7) Myst - 45%
6) Dark Ages Medenia - 44%
5) Mana Khemia: Student Alliance - UMD Version - 43%
4) Spectral Souls: Resurrection of the Ethereal Empires - 43%
3) Flower, Sun, and Rain - 40%
2) Evergrace - 36%
1) Digimon World: Data Squad - 35%

For every yin there must be a yang, and that may be the nicest thing we can say about these games. They are the 10 worst-reviewed games that RPGFan writers had to suffer through in the '00s. They include awful ports of good games, games that might have been less bad on another platform, a game that may succeed as art, but fails miserably at being fun, and games that are just plain terrible. Every one of them received a score lower than 50%, but Digimon World: Data Squad "outshone" them all with an abysmal 35%. Click their names to read the reviews and have some schadenfreude fun at these games' (and our writers') expense.