Mike Salbato
RPGFan Features Refresh: Now with Music!
We haven't been talking about music enough recently, so let's fix that, shall we?
04.04.15 - 3:47 PM

If you've browsed our Features section recently, you know we were due for a bit of spring cleaning (don't worry, our now-archived Games of the Month are still available as an archived feature).

Along with making room for more relevant content, we decided to give RPGFan Music a place on the main features menu. This compiles every music-related feature we've ever run on RPGFan, things such as:

  • Our annual Music of the Year feature
  • MAGFest reports, photo galleries, and interviews
  • Concert reviews, such as Play! and Distant Worlds
  • Composer interviews
  • Arranger interviews
  • And more musician interviews

But seriously, we've talked to a lot of composers and musicians over the years: Keiichi Okabe, Michiko Naruke, Yoko Shimomura, Yuzo Koshiro, Casey Ormond, Thomas Böcker, Nobuo Uematsu, Kan Gao, and so many more. All of these are still available from our Interviews feature page, but we thought having a single source for all musical-based interviews wouldn't hurt.

In any case, please check out the refreshed Features page, and the all-new RPGFan Music Features section. Who knows, maybe you'll find something you never knew we had!
