Alana Hagues
Fallout 76 Preview
Something new for Fallout, and someone new for us!
11.01.18 - 6:19 PM

Fallout 76 has been a divisive title ever since it was announced earlier this year, and now we're less than two weeks from the game's launch. With the Beta in full swing, we thought it was high time to see just what new direction Bethesda are taking their beloved series in.

Fallout 76 Screenshot

This is a perfect opportunity to introduce you readers to one of our new faces here. You'll remember we had a hiring drive that ended back in September, and we've just finished bringing all of our new additions on board, including three new reviewers! And today, you get to "meet" one of them. Zach Wilkerson is a long time fan (heh) of RPGFan, and has been reading the site since the LunarNET days. Now if that's not dedication, I don't know what is.

Zach is a relative newcomer to the Fallout series, and wanted to give this new iteration a go with a fresh pair of eyes. So, join me in welcoming Zach to RPGFan by reading his thoughts on the Fallout 76 Beta right here!
