Retro Review: Persona 4
You asked for it, and here it is! 10.04.17 - 5:44 PM You might remember the other day Mike Salbato posted the Reader Survey 2017 Results. We found that over 75% of you wanted to see Retro Reviews. Well, as promised, the first of these is today! So, I want to lay down a few rules so everyone's on board. Retro Reviews are mainly going to focus on games and ports we haven't covered, but we're also open to staff members who want to talk about one of their favourite, or not-so-favourite games, with a new perspective. We're currently going through our archives to see what's missing, and hopefully we'll be able to fill these gaps in due course, but I'm just excited to hear what people think of the older generations of RPGs. Secondly, we're scoring these a little differently. It's not fair to score these games numerically, in counterpart with their 2017 cousins. So we're sticking to our tried and tested DLC scoring system. In essence, to get the best score, the game has to be a classic of the genre - so special to the writer that it still stands up today. Lastly, we're only classing games as "Retro" if they were released between the NES and PS2 generations. And, of course, they have to fit in our coverage. This is still a work in progress, but I'm overjoyed to bring the first Retro Review to you from Tris Mendoza, who made his debut yesterday! During our interview, he was very keen to write about older games, and he happened to supply a review of Persona 4 with his application. After lots of hard graft, it's ready for you to check out. Was Persona 5 your first Persona game and you want to check out the rest of the series? Are you itching to return to Inaba and solve some more murders? Tris' Retro Review is what you need! Check out why this is still one of his favourite games of all time in the review below!