Alana Hagues
Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia Review
We interrupt your regularly scheduled E3 news with this remake.
06.20.17 - 5:53 PM

Fire Emblem was almost a dead series 5 years ago. With an unsuccessful remake of the first game, as well as the less successful (but still excellent) Gamecube titles, Nintendo gave Intelligent Systems one last chance. And in 2013, they nailed it with Fire Emblem Awakening. Now, the series is one of Nintendo's premier titles.

After the mediocre reception to Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon, you wouldn't have thought Intelligent Systems would have tried to remake another game. Yet, here we are with Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia, a remake of the second game in the series.

This review is particularly exciting, because this is by our newest reviewer, Nathan Lee. We snuck him into the staff just before E3, and as a long time fan of this series, he's got a lot to say about this entry. Read what he thought in his first review for RPGFan below, and give him a warm welcome!
