New Characters, Game Mechanics, and Footage Revealed for Dragon Quest XI
Here there be dragons. 06.05.17 - 10:09 PM As we draw nearer to the July release of Dragon Quest XI: In Search of Departed Time for the PS4 and 3DS in Japan (no word on that Switch port yet), Square Enix has been steadily releasing a drip feed of information to whet the appetites of insatiable adventurers ready to dive into this gorgeous world. In an issue of Weekly Jump, two new characters were unveiled: Veronica, a tomboyish offensive mage capable of wielding two-handed staffs and whips, and Senya, a kind-hearted and gentle healer. Another new location, Homura Village, is located at the foot of a volcano and has distinctively Japanese architecture, including a bathhouse. ![]() A number of familiar pastimes will make a return in Dragon Quest XI. The casino is one such establishment, where players can play poker, slot machines, or roulette in order to win prizes. Players can also race horses. Of course, it is the duty of a hero to aid those in need, and players will be able to undertake various sidequests on behalf of the townsfolk they encounter. Last but not least, it just wouldn't be a Dragon Quest game if there weren't small Medals to collect, and there is a certain someone in the game's world who will reward you for the number of Medals you've collected. You can find an array of new screenshots from both versions of the game in our galleries. Last, but not least, V-Jump has posted a whopping six videos of the game in action: three for the PS4 version, and three for the 3DS version. Check those out below, and be sure to keep an eye on RPGFan for more Dragon Quest XI news. ![]() |