Japanese Pokemon Sun and Moon Trailer Shows New Gameplay, Samson Oak
Cut his hair and he loses his power! 09.11.16 - 7:21 PM A brand-new Japanese trailer for the highly anticipated Pokémon Sun and Moon has some details that will be of interest to series fans. First of all, this is our first time (to my knowledge) seeing the game's cover Legendaries, Solgaleo and Lunana, fully rendered in CG, and they look ready to rumble. Secondly, there's a lot of new gameplay tidbits that includes a look at what Evolution will look like in the seventh generation of Pokémon. Last, but not least, we can get a brief glimpse of a seemingly familiar face at about 1:30. That's not Professor Oak with a sick tan you're seeing, but rather his cousin Samson, who has an academic interest in the new Alolan forms of Pokémon. It's all very interesting stuff, so check it out below. Pokémon Sun and Moon launch for the Nintendo 3DS on November 18th, 2016 in North America, and on the 23rd in Europe.
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