Peter Triezenberg
More Information on Tales of Berseria's Rokurou and Eleanor
The swordsman and the Seiryou.
02.18.16 - 6:23 PM

We recently reported about some new characters being introduced in Tales of Berseria, and now Weekly Famitsu has even more information on Rokurou and Eleanor to share with us.

First up is 22 year-old Rokurou, voiced by Daisuke Kishio and designed by Daigo Okumura. He's a free-spirited swordsman who became a Daemon when the Daemonblight broke out, but used that power to hone his family's sword techniques and walk his own path. Because he owes Velvet a debt, he joins her on her journey. Rokurou duel-wields daggers in combat, since he stubbornly does not want to unsheathe the "Sword of Life" he wears on his back.

tales of berseria rokurou daemon

Next is 18 year-old Eleanor, voiced by Ami Koshimizu and designed by Kousuke Fujishima. She is a Tamaishi who belongs to the "Seiryou," and spends day and night trying to free the world from the Daemon threat. She is very serious about her duties, but tries to do the right thing and is considerate of others. Eleanor has an honest personality that allows her to freely show her emotions, but as such, she is aware of her own immaturity, and instead tried to focus on the harsher truths. She uses a staff in battle.

tales of berseria eleanor seiryou

A couple of other scans show Velvet working in tandem with these two.

tales of berseria famitsu scan

tales of berseria velvet famitsu scan

We'll keep you posted as we learn more about Tales of Berseria, due out in Japan for PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 3 in 2016, and for PS4 and PC in the West.
