New Media for Sword Art Online: Hollow Fragment
New screen shots, and even more character artwork. 07.13.14 - 5:58 PM Bandai Namco's Sword Art Online: Hollow Fragment is only about a month away from release. If you're looking for There's probably a perfect segue from "got your eyes on it" to "here's some new media," but my brain is failing me at the moment. So here's some new media, so the tune of 15 new screen shots, and a half dozen "action shots" of character artwork. While SAO's latest content update in Japan won't be built in to the English release, if the game proves successful like it has in Japan, it seems likely we'll see this additional content. What we are going to have in our version at launch is a bundled re-release of PSP title Sword Art Online: Infinity Moment. Look for Sword Art Online: Hollow Fragment on the PS Vita PlayStation Store on August 19th in North America and August 20th in Europe.