Another Disgaea 4 Update
This time with art! And a... professor class? 10.07.10 - 10:08 PM We know, we just updated the gallery yesterday, but there's already more of Disgaea 4 worth seeing. Not that it's easy to top the pixel comparison, but new artwork and packaging aren't so bad either. One of the pieces of art is a new Professor class. These demonic scholars were introduced to human scientific ways ages ago, but have since created their own 'methods' in the Netherworld. Nippon Ichi also seems to be in need for names for random characters in Disgaea 4 and is asking for fans for help. Just enter a name in Japanese or English at Nippon Ichi's site here before October 29th, and names will be selected by NIS afterwards. Who knows, maybe you'll be a part of the game - literally. Both a regular edition and a previously-announced special edition of Disgaea 4 will be out in Japan on February 24th, 2011is 9975 yen. NIS America plans to release the game here next summer.