We cherish the adventures that RPGs take us on, even if some journeys are darker than others. Shin Megami Tensei IV is not a game that we will remember for its cheery atmosphere and welcoming gameplay; rather, it is memorable for providing exactly the opposite. The grim wasteland of Tokyo is equal parts oppressive and fascinating, at times evoking an almost survival horror-esque sensibility. Flynn and his Samurai compatriots face extraordinary enemies and difficult decisions as they work to reshape the world, a task that puts the player in one compelling situation after another. In terms of gameplay, Shin Megami Tensei IV hits all the right marks, with a sleek user interface, strategic battles, and a blood-pumping soundtrack. It differs wildly from the Persona games that many fans have been weaned on, but the tale is still worth experiencing. All adult 3DS owners should undergo this "gauntlet rite," experience with the series notwithstanding.