Scott Clay
Week in Review, 4/14/2018
This is your story, not Tidus'!
04.14.18 - 9:07 PM

We all have our stories to tell about our lives. Some may be exciting and eventful, and others maybe sweet or sorrowful, but no matter what they are all important. RPGFan has its own story as well, but we are nothing without our fans and their support. So this time, we want you to share your story with us about how you got to enjoy this website and its many facets. And while you take care of that, we have news stories from Chris Gebauer and John Alas, and reviews from Alana Hagues and Derek Heemsbergen.

Story by Mike Salbato

As said in the introduction, we want to hear your story. In the last 20 years, we have had so many fabulous readers that we have shared our stories with, and now we want to give you guys and gals a chance to share your story with us. If you're unsure about your writing skills, don't worry: we'll help you out on our end.

Story by John Alas

Well now we know for sure why Dragon Quest XI is delayed for the Switch, and you know, it's a pretty good reason. There really is no reason to delay a game from coming out just for one system. Understanding what works in different regions of the world is the right approach when it comes down to it. And hey, it's not like we'll never see Dragon Quest on the Switch, we just need to be patient about it.

Dragon Quest XI Screenshot

Review by Alana Hagues

As much as I would like a place where water tasted like wine, I think the place where water tasted like whiskey would be so much better. But both these places sadly don't exist, and maybe for a good reason. That doesn't mean you can't play a game called Where the Water Tastes Like Wine. And honestly, if the name already hasn't captivated your interest, maybe Alana Hagues' review will.

Where the Water Tastes Like Wine Screenshot

Review by Derek Heemsbergen

Time for another yearly Atelier game. I don't think I have touched this series since the PS2, and for a good reason too; they often seem like they throw them together in some kind of factory and ship them out every year. And after seeing this happen to a lot of games you quickly realize the quality just... kind of degrades. If you are still willing to give this franchise a shot, then check out Derek Heemsbergen's review of the latest installment in this franchise.

Atelier Lydie & Suelle: The Alchemists and the Mysterious Paintings Screenshot

Story by Chris Gebauer

Please let NISA get it right this time. Ys VIII has been delayed so many times now for PC that it's almost a joke. I understand that developers often should take their time with a game, but it's kind of sad that a game that runs on the Vita can't seem to run well on a PC after trying to fix it three times already. Well, maybe the 4th time will be the charm!

Ys VIII ScreenshotAnd that's a wrap for this week. Be sure to check back on the front page for all your RPG news and reviews.
