Scott Clay
Week in Review, 2/18/2018
A secret for everyone!
02.18.18 - 5:46 PM

It's no "secret" that it is nice when the classics get a remake. It's even better when it is one of the classic 16-bit gems from the SNES golden age of RPGs, if only because a whole bunch of new fans can now enjoy the game as well. I still question why there is no online co-op, but I guess you can't get everything. With everyone enjoying the Secret of Mana remake this week, we also had news stories from Mike Salbato and Peter Triezenberg and a pair of reviews from Nicholas Ransbottom and Patrick Gann.

Story by Mike Salbato

To relive the days of yore is something everyone wishes at some point in their lives, and thanks to Square Enix, we can capture those nostalgic feelings with Secret of Mana once again. Of course, no remake is without controversy, and Secret of Mana is no exception in this regard. We will have a review for you soon, but in the meantime, you can check out our Twitch channel on Thursdays and Fridays as Kyle journeys his way through this remake.

Secret of Mana Remake Screenshot

Review by Nicholas Ransbottom

Everyone and their brother seems to be playing Monster Hunter: World, and for a good reason. It is addictive and fun! It also helps that, for the first time, the series is readily available to play online with all your friends or random strangers! If somehow you are one of the few that are not yet playing, then Nicholas Ransbottom has all the details you'll need in his review to maybe persuade you otherwise.

Monster Hunter World Screenshot

Story by Peter Triezenberg

Ni no Kuni II is easily one of the most anticipated games of the year, and it is only about a month away. It looks beautiful, and it seems like the developers improved on just about everything from the previous game. Like any large scale work that is near its release date, you can expect a ton of new trailers before we get to release. I have a feeling we are going to see a lot of these in the next month.

Ni no Kuni II Screenshot

Review by Patrick Gann

NieR: Automata was one of the best games released last year, for several reasons. One of those reasons was its fantastic soundtrack, and thankfully it has been released in several forms for our listening pleasure. Patrick Gann has our review of this lovely album, and you owe it to yourself to check out not just his review, but the music as well.

NieR: Automata Screenshot

Story by Peter Triezenberg

System Shock is one of the classic PC games that paved the way for FPS/RPG hybrids like Deus Ex and is still regarded as one of the best games of all time. It's a shame that the remaster will be put on hiatus, but that is what seems to happen with a lot of these Kickstarter games. Hopefully, this will see the light of day eventually because it truly is one of those games that everyone should get to experience.

And that's a wrap for this week. Be sure to check back on the front page for all your RPG news and reviews.
