Liz Maas
Videos: A Look At Thirteen Lightning Returns Costumes
More battle-y, less fanservicey.
11.13.13 - 3:09 AM

Square Enix seems keen on promoting Lightning's many costumes in Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII, and we talked a bit about those last week. Conveniently, Square also has a handful of 30-second videos that individually show off some of these costumes in battle. Most are less silly and impractical than you might think.

Angel Noir



Dark Muse


Heart Stealer

Misty (?) Wizard

Crescent Moon


Dragon Knight/Dragoon

I can't actually name the next three costumes, but they're worth watching regardless.

You'll note one of these costumes is based on Final Fantasy XIV's Mi'qote race. Lightning herself will be showing up in the popular MMORPG as part of a four-quest event that begins on Thursday. Though the event ends in December, Square already plans to bring it back February for Lightning Returns' North American (11th) and European (14th) release.
