Andrew Barker
A Look At Dragon Quest X Online's Jobs
Have a look at the warrior, thief, mage, monk, minstrel, and martial artist.
09.30.11 - 8:53 PM

Like almost every online RPG, Dragon Quest X Online allows you to pick a starting class (or job, in this case) for your character. After choosing what tribe you want to belong to you'll have decide what road you want your character to head down. During the game you'll earn skill points which can be distributed across different weapons and skills to turn your character into a more specialised warrior. By heading to the Dharma's Shine Branch Office in town you'll actually be able to change your job too.

Now, without further ado, here is a visual look at each job!





Martial Artist


For more information on the classes, go here. To cap off today's information, three new monsters have been announced: the Nuzutto Usagi, Kotobukino, and Smile Lizard.

Screen Screen Screen

Dragon Quest X Online for the Wii is to release in Japan sometime next year, while its Wii U version is not yet dated.
