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Square Enix
Square Enix, Airtight Games

Early 2014
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"The game appears to feature a unique and fresh approach to detective work in games..."
Adventure/puzzler game Murdered: Soul Suspect is being shown off as part of the Square Enix family of titles at E3 this year. Airtight Games' murder mystery features you playing the part of detective Ronan O'Connor who has a slight problem with the current murder case he's trying to solve: it's his own murder he is investigating.
The game takes place in Salem, Massachusetts, and you're the latest ghost to be wandering in the "Dusk", or afterlife, of the notoriously haunted town. As a ghost, you can walk through walls and physical objects without any trouble (almost like you are using a "noclip" cheat at all times), but due to most of the doors of the town having been consecrated to ward off evil spirits you often need to find ways to get humans to open them for you.
As a ghost you also have the ability to "possess" people, but this doesn't mean you can make them do what you want - you can only do things like hear their thoughts.
Just because you're a ghost doesn't mean you aren't in any additional danger either. Ghosts who wander in the Dusk too long eventually become demons, and demons hunger for other ghosts.
The game appears to feature a unique and fresh approach to detective work in games, as you have to gather clues and then arrange them in a way that pieces the scene back together over a timeline before you can make deductions about what happened.
Fans of adventure games will want to keep their eye peeled for Murdered: Soul Suspect on Xbox 360, PS3, and PC in early 2014.