Mike Salbato
God Eater 3 Review
Venture into the Ashlands and sate your monstrous appetite.
03.18.19 - 3:41 PM

Hunting and/or battling giant beasts in an action RPG setting continues to prove a popular genre, and Capcom isn't the only one venturing into those waters, even if they're the ones that popularized it.

Bandai Namco's God Eater series is alive and well, and Audra played through God Eater 3 in both solo and online co-op modes to be able to talk in-depth about her full experience. Since she's a series veteran too, she was the ideal choice to tackle this... well, beast.

God Eater 3 Screenshot

But enough of me. Audra wrote quite a bit about hunting Aragami, so go read her God Eater 3 review!
