Marcos Gaspar
RPGFan Music: Face My Fears / Hikaru Utada Review
We're almost there!
01.25.19 - 5:15 PM

Time flies when you're waiting on a long-anticipated sequel to a beloved series! I jest...especially since I made a wager with my sister that I was more likely going to have a child before Kingdom Hearts III releases. Well, here we are celebrating my daughter's 9-month milestone thinking, "I was just joking, I didn't really think I'd win!" Regardless, we have with us today Mike Salbato to share in the Kingdom Hearts Hype Train ™ with his review of Face My Fears / Hikaru Utada. I'm sure many of you have already dived in and purchased this album off iTunes or some other marketplace, but we'd like to offer a few words for those who aren't familiar with the series and whether or not you should join in on this musical adventure. There's much to like about this album, but I'll leave the convincing to Mike. Enjoy the samples and read, dear readers!
