RPGFan Founders Roundtable ~ An RPGFan 20th Anniversary Feature
This feature is also known by its alternate title, "Three Old Guys Chatting About the Internet Circa 1998." 12.16.18 - 1:24 AM As we near the end of RPGFan's 20th Anniversary year — even though we are ten days away from the exact inception date — we figured, who better to look back on our history with than the original founders? It took a lot of planning, scheduling, re-scheduling... and re-scheduling on everyone's part, but I managed to Of course, back then, Mickey, Eric, and I were known on the site as GhaleonOne, Rudo, and Chronologist respectively. RPGFan was very much a "fansite" back then, long before we switched over to real names. In this new roundtable chat, we talked about RPGFan's origins as LunarNET (and how close it may have been to getting a different name), the hard working folks in the early days, and how both RPGs and the internet have evolved over the 20 years we've kept the site going. It's a long discussion (we talked for three hours!), so we've broken it into chapters. We hope you enjoy this look back!