Keegan Lee
Composer Nobuo Uematsu Ceasing Work, Cites Illness
A sad day for music lovers everywhere.
09.21.18 - 11:06 PM

Nobuo Uematsu has been a legendary force in the gaming world for over thirty years, composing music for some of the greatest RPG's the world has ever seen. If you've been a fan of RPG's over the years, chances are you've heard some of his fantastic work. Unfortunately, in a recent blog post, Uematsu announced that he'd be taking a break from composing for the foreseeable future.

final fantasy composer nobuo uematsu ceasing work due to illness

In the aforementioned blog post, Uematsu said his reasoning behind the break was due to an illness he had contracted some years back, which had been slowly impeding his work over the years. Rather than deliver work that doesn't meet his standards, Uematsu is taking time to rest, and consider whether or not to continue with future projects.

We here at RPGFan give our deepest condolences to Nobuo Uematsu, and wish for a healthy recovery during this well deserved rest.

Stay tuned to RPGFan for more news and info.
