Mike Salbato
Materia Collective Announces SPIRA: A Huge 100-Track, 2-Album Final Fantasy X Project
Isn't it wonderful?
08.11.17 - 12:50 PM

Materia Collective continues to put out interesting and beautiful musical releases, and their next major one is sure to catch your eye. Er, ears.

Some of the biggest releases from Materia Collective are of course 2015's 87-track MATERIA: Final Fantasy VII Remixed, which they followed with SUCCESSOR: Final Fantasy VIII Remixed, with 79 tracks of arguably one of the series' most underrated albums. Each of these major releases featured the contributions of 150-200 artists, which is no small feat.

Now, while we all anxiously await the day that there's a 200-artist collaboration through Materia Collective for Final Fantasy IX, for now, we're going to skip ahead.

SPIRA: Music from Final Fantasy X will span two 50-track albums: The Besaid Mix and the Zanarkand Mix. Each has a different mix of tracks and a different musical approach. Check out the details and samples below:

SPIRA: Music from Final Fantasy X: Besaid Mix

The Besaid Mix features an acoustic take on FFX's tunes, with notable artists such as the Videri String Quartet, Josh Barron, Dale North, and the always-welcome Lauren the Flute, among countless others.

SPIRA: Music from Final Fantasy X: Zanarkand Mix

If your tastes veer more towards rock and electronica, then the Zanarkand Mix album is for you! This more energetic album features artists such as Sean Schafianski, The Triforce Quartet, and Octorock – which is not only a fantastic video game band name, but they're featured on both of these releases.

Both SPIRA: Music from Final Fantasy X albums will be available on August 18th and can be partially sampled and pre-ordered right now via the Bandcamp links below. With Bandcamp's flexible pricing, each album can be yours for as little as the criminally-low $12, but you are welcome to pay whatever you want.

Look for more on SPIRA and Materia Collective in the future!
