Scott Clay
Week in Review, 6/9/2017
06.09.17 - 8:43 PM

E3 starts this Tuesday, and everyone on staff is excited for it. We will, of course, be bringing you coverage all week from our staff on the show floor, so I hope everyone drops on by to read all the amazing previews and hands-on experiences. And in case you can't wait until Tuesday, we still have some juicy news this week from Peter Triezenberg, Mike Salbato, and Chris Gebauer, and reviews from Nicholas Ransbottom and Mike Salbato.

Story by Peter Triezenberg

Apparently, Atlus didn't want to wait for E3, since this week they announced four new games that will be making their way westward this year. All four games will be featured on the show floor next week, and you can be sure our staff will try to get time to check out each one of them. And I am not going to lie, Vanillaware's 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim looks gorgeous!

13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim Screenshot

Review by Nicholas Ransbottom

Speaking of Atlus, not every game they publish is as amazing as the company itself. When The Caligula Effect was announced it was highly anticipated, but not that it has arrived, it has failed to deliver. The game is bad, but if you want to find out just how bad, then check out Nicholas Ransbottom's review. They can't all be winners.

The Caligula Effect Screenshot

Story by Chris Gebauer

Is it happening? Are we finally getting another game in the Seiken Densetsu series? Maybe! Still just seeing all the cool stuff that's in the Seiken Densetsu Collection makes me hope that it will make its way to the west sometime in the future. I still wish that Legend of Mana was in the collection, but I will take whatever I can.

Seiken Densetsu Collection Screenshot

Story by Mike Salbato

Deep breath! Seven more days, just seven more days. Seven more days until Samurai, seven more days until Red Mage, seven more days until we start our journey to liberate Ala Mhigo. Did I mention there is only seven more days until Stormblood? Watch the trailer please, it is full of hype!

Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood Screenshot

Review by Mike Salbato

I can't stress this enough. If you are a Final Fantasy fan and you aren't playing Final Fantasy XIV yet, you are doing a disservice to yourself. There is a new expansion right around the corner and ton of old content with amazing story and gameplay. Mike Salbato is slowly catching up in his patch reviews in preparation for Stormblood, so check them out for a fresh look at some older content.

Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward Screenshot

And that's a wrap for this week. Be sure to check back on the front page for all the E3 coverage next week!
