Rhythm Encounter 28 - Strange Wilderness
This overworld's not big enough for the both of us! 10.01.16 - 7:44 PM Kids these days with your newfangled seamless open worlds and your realistic proportions! In my day, we had to traverse maps with characters as tall as skyscrapers and whole cities represented by just a few blocks. We also had some pretty rad music to listen to, but that part hasn't changed much. Join Rhythm Encounter as we explore more world map and field themes, now with 75% less Final Fantasy. Have questions or comments, or suggestions on future topics? Let us know at music@rpgfan.com! Rhythm Encounter Episode 28: Strange Wilderness World maps have changed a lot over the last few decades. The overworld is now something of a rarity and players are much more likely to explore a game through a series of connected fields than to have the traditional world map experience. The spirit remains the same, though, and the music remains awesome. Caitlin, Mike, and guest host Alana Hagues explore a lot of maps and trek through a bunch of fields on this most excellent episode of Rhythm Encounter! Featuring: Caitlin Argyros, Mike Salbato, Alana Hagues Tracklist Bonus Background Tracks |