Falcom President Talks Ys VIII Length and Cold Steel III Japanese Release
Both of these games demand copious hype. 07.15.16 - 2:42 AM Falcom is on a hot streak right now. Their Legend of Heroes games continue to produce compelling and engaging stories, while the Ys series delivers some insanely addictive and fun gameplay. Thankfully, it doesn't look like either of those series is going to slow down anytime soon. In an interview with Dengeki, Falcom president Toshiro Kondo talked about what's on his plate. Since Ys VIII for the PS Vita. is closer to release, he mostly talked about that. It will be the first Ys with dual protagonists. He mentioned that the story of the Ys series wasn't completely thought out as one, collective story. Instead, they think of ideas as they go along — the opposite process of the Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel games. He also revealed that completing the main story of Ys VIII will take 40 hours — 60 hours if you do all the side quests. He has some day-one patches planned for the game, which will include a Boss Time Attack feature, and loading screen tips. The Falcom team is already hard at work on a PS4 version, which I'm sure will exceed the already stunning visuals of the Vita version. Since Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III is further away, he didn't talk about it too much, but did reveal that it's in development with a planned 2017 release. Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of Dana will release in Japan on July 21 for PS Vita, and 2017 for PS4. Keep checking RPGFan for info on this game's (hopefully) eventual western release. |