Mike Salbato
RPGFan Interviews: Kira Buckland
The actress shares advice about the gaming industry, her own career, and even her daily coffee obsession.
03.02.16 - 9:54 PM

RPGFan veteran editor Neal Chandran has been with us for a long time (since 2004!) as a reviewer of both games and music. Some of his recent endeavors have involved courting some notable voice talent known in the RPG industry and taking them out for sushi to chat about their work and lives as voice actors. This last fall, we talked with Vic Mignogna, notable amongst our crowd as Junpei from Persona 3.

This week, we'll be bringing two new voice actor interviews to you! First up is Kira Buckland, whom you might remember from such games as Tales of Zestiria, Atelier Ayesha, Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair, Devil Survivor 2: Record Breaker, Mugen Souls, and more. Check out the interview and share your thoughts in our forum thread on the topic!

Look for our interview with... oh, I can't tell you. But come back for more later this week!
