RPGFan Games of the Year 2015: Random Encounter
We guarantee you won't forget any of these games! 01.10.16 - 4:03 PM Our Games of the Year event is still going strong, and today we bring you more podcast goodness. You've heard what the Retro Encounter crew had to say about 2015; now let's hear from the Random Encounter crew. If you missed our first two days of features, fear not! You can catch up on everything with our handy dandy Games of the Year 2015 guide. And be sure to come back tomorrow for our final day of coverage! Random Encounter Episode 103: Auld Lang Syne With 2015 firmly in the rearview mirror, it's time to think about everything we've seen over the past twelve months. Of course, this also gives us a chance to talk about what all we're looking forward to in 2016. Just how many Final Fantasies will we see? Is Zero Time Dilemma our most anticipated game? Wait, of course it is! Strap in and join the crew as we celebrate the New Year in style. Featuring: Robert Steinman, Stephen Meyerink and Caitlin Argyros Questions? Comments? Spare Potions? Email us: podcast@rpgfan.com ![]() |