Josh Curry
Retro Encounter Bonus Round: Trails in the Sky Second Chapter
Does the game live up to the hype?
01.04.16 - 6:56 PM

We had to wait a long time for Trails in the Sky Second Chapter but based on RPGFan's review the game delivers an excellent traditional JRPG. Listen as Derek discusses his review while Davi and Robert share their experiences with the game. Finally, after his dislike for the First Chapter, can the rest of the Retro Crew convince Josh to give the Second Chapter a chance?

Find out by listening to this new episode of Retro Encounter.

Retro Encounter Bonus Round: Trails SC

Estelle is at it again. Retro Encounter is here to follow her on her travels as we discuss Estelle's character development, what is new and improved from the First Chapter and if Trails in the Sky Second Chapter supplies an ending with a proper resolution. We wrap up the show by talking about the newly released Trails of Cold Steel and what we expect from the game.

Featuring: Josh Curry, Davi Tesnovich, Derek Heemsbergen, Robert Fenner

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