Josh Curry
Retro Encounter 7-3: Deus Ex: Human Revolution
Seems like all the endings are canon? But that would be cheating!
12.09.15 - 12:15 AM

We have beaten Deus Ex: Human Revolution and are ready to talk about the final bosses, the Missing Link DLC and what makes Adam special. With four different endings, what are the chances that each of us would pick a different ending? Supposedly pretty high since that is exactly what happened. We delve into why each of us picked the ending we did before the conversation quickly turns to what it all means for Mankind Divided. We wrap up the show by laying out our wish list for the sequel.

Listen as Retro Encounter whips out our crystal balls and prophesizes the future.

Retro Encounter 7-3: Deus Ex: Human Revolution

We wrap up our playthrough of Deus Ex: Human Revolution with a thorough discussion on what the different endings mean, which of the four we picked and what ending will be canon going into Mankind Divided. Also, we talk about the importance of the Missing Link DLC and whether it is just filler or imperative to the Human Revolution storyline.

Featuring: Josh Curry, Mike Sollosi, Caitlin Argyros, Brett Wooley

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