Colin Burns
Little Busters! and Tomoyo After Visual Novels Getting Official English Releases
Based on fan translations at that!
11.19.15 - 1:04 AM

VisualArts has announced that two of Key's romantic visual novels will be getting official English releases. The two upcoming games are Little Busters! and Tomoyo After: It's A Wonderful Life. The official translations will be based on fan translations that have been floating around the internet for awhile.

"We cannot give you more details yet, but these translations will be based on fan translations, and some parts will be modified and re-translated," said VisualArts.
"Because of that, these fan translations will be removed from the servers of the parties involved."

Little Busters Tomoyo After English Release

You're in luck because our very own Andrew Barker just recently posted his review of the import version of Little Busters!. He gave it the ultimate compliment for a visual novel by saying, "it feels like a real game."
