Josh Curry
Retro Encounter 4-2: The Last Story
Eyepatch Dude and Count Dracula walk into a bar...
08.28.15 - 10:34 PM

We might not know anyone’s name in The Last Story, but the Retro Crew has plenty of thoughts on how the story should end and what makes a good boss battle.

Join us for another hilarious episode of Retro Encounter!

Retro Encounter 4-2: The Last Story

The Retro Crew reassembles to discuss the middle of The Last Story. Some of the luster of this innovative game has faded as we start our deep dive on what is good, bad and confusing. MMOs, game structure, boss battles, the music and our hopes for the ending of The Last Story are all touched on before we move onto more important topics. There is no talk about fighting games this time around, but it wouldn't be a Retro Encounter without talking about the potential perfect couples. Of course, lovers theory would have been more sensical if we could remember everyone's name, right? Get prepared to be introduced to Dangan Ranpa, Lowes, Eyepatch Dude, and Count Dracula!

Featuring: Josh Curry, Michael Sollosi, Davi Tesnovich, Marcos Gaspar
