RPGFan is Hiring!
Seeking social media gurus, reviewers, and news writers! 07.09.15 - 6:13 PM RPGFan seeks to increase its ranks. Are you interested in picking up an emerald shield and standing by our sides in battle against the oncoming tide of RPG-relevant news stories and releases? Will you turn the tide of this war we wage against the world's legion of RPGs? We're currently seeking social media editors, news editors, and reviews/previews writers. These are writing intensive positions, particularly the latter two, and while writing experience isn't required, some practice is nearly essential. You'll find all the necessary information for applying at the links below. Fill out the application, include a cover letter, and provide some writing samples. Interviews will begin on or around July 20th. All final hiring decisions will be made by July 31st. Keep in mind that all positions at RPGFan are unpaid. Click on the links below for more information on who we're looking for and how to apply. Be sure to follow all directions. Applications close July 18 at midnight EDT. Update: There's an issue with our application form (thank you readers, for pointing it out), and we'll bring it back online ASAP. Update 2: Applications are back online! Thank you for your patience. Update 3: Applications are now closed. We'll be spending some time looking over them, but rest assured, we will respond to everyone who applied once we've made our decisions!