Robert Steinman
Square Enix E3 Press Conference Moved Back an Hour
Here's hoping Adam Jensen is in attendance.
05.16.15 - 1:22 PM

Looks like Cloud wants to get out of the way of Mario! Nintendo recently announced they will have a Digital Event at E3, which coincided directly with Square Enix's press conference. Well, no need for a phoenix down for this one, as Square Enix pushed back their press conference by an hour to compensate.

Square Enix Final Fantasy Deus Ex

The Square Enix E3 press conference is June 16th at 10 am PDT. You can watch a stream of the event on YouTube or Twitch, and we'll be there too to bring you all of the latest information. I’m personally excited for Deus Ex: Mankind Divided, but hopefully there are some surprises lurking, too!
