Stephen Meyerink
Music of the Year 2014: Day Seven
The music train pulls into the station.
04.05.15 - 11:23 AM

Well everyone, it's been quite a journey. Everyone here at RPGFan Music hopes you enjoyed our collection of features, interviews, and chatty-chat-chat on the most massive podcast we've ever produced. Nothing left now but to sit back and enjoy some music, ever with a mind for what we'll be doing NEXT year. I hope you'll enjoy clicking through the full week's worth of features and discovering new music if you haven't had a chance to yet, and I hope each and every one of you finds the time to give our whole Rhythm Encounter MOTY epic a listen.

Beyond that, as always, be sure to contact us if you have any good ideas for features, interviews, or podcast topics/picks that you'd like to see, and thanks for supporting RPGFan Music for another fantastic year!
