Overdrive Share Details on New Features of Go Go Nippon 2015
New locations and more scenes! 12.27.14 - 2:45 AM Hiroshi Takeuchi, the president of visual novel developer Overdrive, has shared some details on the new content that will be featured in Go Go Nippon 2015, an updated version of the original Go! Go! Nippon! game/tour guide. Aside from additional dialogue and more choices, the game will feature at least a couple of new locations to visit. Takeuchi mentioned two in particular: the Tokyo SkyTree and, of course, a Comic Market. While the main story of the game is the same as its predecessor, the script is reportedly 1.75 times as long, so there'll be plenty of new content! Go Go Nippon 2015 will be released next year in both English and Japanese on PC. Overdrive hope to also port it to mobile devices.