Andrew Barker
10 Minutes of Final Fantasy XV's World in HD
So awesome.
11.15.14 - 2:12 AM

Well, love them or hate them, Final Fantasy XIII's corridors have definitely gone. Square Enix have re-released two videos of gameplay from Final Fantasy XV in 1080p. Let's start with the longer of the two. This first video is a full ten-minutes of gameplay that that follows Noctis and friends as they explore some of the game's huge world. It's pretty beautiful, so make sure to take a look:

The second video is shorter and described as a "tech demo." It shows a few different areas of the game, plus some blue-print style graphics of them. Check it out below:

Square Enix are clearly still willing to try out some new ideas and take some risks, so let's hope they can pull it off this time! If you'd like to see some screenshots, take a look at our gallery by clicking the image below.
