Stephen Meyerink
Random Encounter Streams Dragon Age Tonight
Rob and Stephen yell at bears and rams and each other.
11.12.14 - 12:14 PM

Do you enjoy watching other people play video games? Do you enjoy Robert Steinman getting angry at them?

Perhaps neither of those things sell it that well, but tonight I and my Random Encounter cohort will be chattering away as we play Bioware's latest, Dragon Age: Inquisition. We're going to be attacking the foul foes of the Inquisition, shooting magic everywhere, and doing other cool RPG things. We might even check out some multiplayer!

The incredibly exciting festivities will begin at 9:30pm EST on RPGFan's Twitch channel! Be there or be utterly bored all night.

Update 10:30pm 11/12: You can find a link to our archived stream below!
