Sword Art Online: Lost Song Gets a New Area, Better Translations, and a Limited Edition
An entirely new continent has been added for players to fly around and explore! 11.02.14 - 5:17 PM Sword Art Online: Lost Song has been in recent news a lot lately! While an official announcement for North American and European releases has yet to show up, it's been confirmed by their producer, Yosuke Futami, that the title would be localized in English for the Asia market. This puts a Western release well within the realm of possibility. However, while Futami would not release any details regarding a US or EU release, he addressed concerns regarding the English translation. "Ah, right, the English translations in Sword Art Online: Hollow Fragment weren't that good, huh? Actually, there's a reason for that, but it's not something that I can talk about," Futami stated. "But we're aware of the root of the problem and what I can say is that this time around with Long Song, we're doing things differently. Fans can expect much better translations as the localization process will be handled very differently. Please look forward to it." This is great news for fans of the (hopefully) impending US/EU release. Another great piece of news is that the game itself will include an entirely new area called "Vorklinde." Vorklinde is another floating continent in the ALfheim Online world that is primarily a grassland filled with large structures. Bandai Namco also announced a limited edition version of the PlayStation Vita release. This limited edition will come with a special box, Blu-ray disc, soundtrack CD, booklet, and 12 posters. Sword Art Online: Lost Song will hit the PlayStation 3 and PlayStation Vita in Japan on March 26th. We'll keep you updated on more news for it as it becomes available!