Liz Maas
Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn PS4 Trailer, Screens and Beta Details
You wanted to craft on your Vita while lying in bed, right?
02.12.14 - 5:19 PM

Because Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn hasn't sucked away enough souls already, the PlayStation 4 beta, as previously announced, begins in just ten days - February 22nd, the same day as the system's Japanese release. Square Enix today announced more details, as well as a trailer and some new screens for the PS4 release.

The good news is, the PS4 beta is open to anyone who owns the console. The first beta phase runs from February 22nd to March 3rd. Participants will need to create a new character for this phase, which takes place on a separate server from PS3 and PC players. The second runs only from April 4th to April 7th, but this time you can use existing characters (or make a character to carry over into the full game), as phase 1 data will be deleted. More beta details can be found here.

The new trailer shows off PS4 footage as well as the PlayStation Vita remote play, while the new screens in our gallery all seem to be from the trailer. Why not have a closer look at what awaits in the Binding Coil of Bahamut? As well, the Vita doesn't seem the most practical way of raiding, but certainly, many of us have wanted to craft or gather from the couch or while lying in bed.

Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn for PS4 releases on April 14th, with the option of a collector's edition. PlayStation 3 owners can upgrade to the PS4 version at no cost, and as early as April 11th; more details on switching from PS3 to 4 can be found here.
