Mike Salbato
Ys: Memories of Celceta Review
Come along and explore the foliage ocean.
12.11.13 - 10:23 PM

If you know multi-talented editor Derek Heemsbergen at all, you probably know he's a fairly big Ys fan. And that's a metaphorical "big," as he's actually quite slender.

...Anyway, if you didn't know Derek was into Ys, Rhythm Encounter #10 probably solidified it. Or you could test the theory by pronouncing the Ys as "wise" and see what happens. It was a given then, that he would be the one to review the latest Ys title, Ys: Memories of Celceta for PS Vita.

You know how these updates go; I can't just tell you what he thought, but odds are he COMPLETELY HATED IT. Or you know, probably the other thing.
