Mike Salbato
Happy Pumpkin-Related Holiday!
What's this? What's this? There's spooky everywhere!
10.24.13 - 1:34 AM

Halloween is next week, and as we (usually) tend to do, we're having RPGFan adopt some appropriate colors for the occasion. This time we opted for a darker, dreary feel, evoking more of the spookiness of the holiday versus our usual orange and yellow coat of paint.

Also in that spirit, I whipped up a fun matching wallpaper if you want your desktop to match.

Download, and enjoy!

RPGFan Halloween 2013 Wallpaper

(Just in case you're not seeing anything new, or are getting a mismatched color scheme, try clearing your cache and reloading. Chrome, in our experience, likes to aggressively cache images.)
