Erik Calautti
Check Out Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn's Party System
Ain't no party like a Final Fantasy XIV party... system.
08.17.13 - 2:09 PM

If you've been following Final Fantasy XIV, you know about its ups and downs (let's be honest, mostly downs). But Square Enix has been hard at work trying to win back fans and silence the naysayers with Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn. With the release date just days away, the developers have been kind enough to upload a commentary video that gives us an indepth look at the game's party system.

Take a look at the video:

And the game's newest trailer:

Fans of the Final Fantasy series, especially Final Fantasy XI (and MMORPGs in general) should feel right at home with A Realm Reborn. The more we see from this game, the more evident it becomes just how much time and effort went into making sure they got everything right this time around. And after watching this video, I think I'm sold.

Be sure to check back for our review after we kiss our families goodbye, lock ourselves in our rooms, and sink a few billion hours into the game's world of Eorzea. Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn hits shelves August 27, 2013 for PC and PlayStation 3, followed by a 2014 release for PlayStation 4.
