Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII - '13 Days' Trailer + Screens
Is that a Miqo'te I see? 07.18.13 - 1:38 PM Time for another round of Lightning Returns: FFXIII media, kiddies. Today is a somewhat interesting mix; we have sixteen new screen shots and some interesting art that we'll get to in a second. But first, you'll want to watch this latest trailer, titled '13 Days,' which in typical Square Enix fashion gives us both cinematic drama and plenty of gameplay footage. You'll scope out plenty of outfits (some new), and even an open green field, which I feel is the first we've seen such an environment in this game. Along with thirteen traditional screens, we also have a few images showing some of the crossover content with the upcoming Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn, including, yes, a Miqo'te outfit for Lightning: Personally, I'm interested in seeing not only how the crossover works in each game, but what abilities Lightning has while dressed as a Miqo'te. And yes, like you, I wish that Square Enix would release screen shots in the game's actual resolution, because these are just too small for such a detailed game. Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII releases November 21st in Japan, February 11th, 2014 in North America and on February 14th in Europe.
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