Liz Maas
Video: An Overview Of Fire Emblem: Awakening's Classes
There's a few.
01.23.13 - 11:41 PM

In Fire Emblem: Awakening, most of your units start out as basic classes which can eventually be promoted into an advanced class at or after level 10 (though it's best to wait until level 20). Usually, you have a choice between two different classes to promote to, and you often gain extra movement and the ability to equip another weapon or magic type for that unit. Then there are special classes, like manaketes, which won't actually promote.

Nintendo America's latest promotional video, below, covers most (but not all!) of Awakening's possible classes.

Be sure to check our gallery for the most recent screenshots, and check back very soon for a preview. Fire Emblem: Awakening goes on sale on February 4th.
