Liz Maas
RAW: Realms of Ancient War Co-Op Trailer
And a little clarification on its release dates.
09.13.12 - 12:12 AM

Last week, we shared a trailer for RAW: Realms of Ancient War's Rogue class as well as the game's release date. Now we've got a new trailer ...and some slight modification to those dates. Here we get a look at the two-player co-op. In this mode you'll want to make sure you're really co-operating and that your skills complement each other, as enemies will actually be stronger than in single-player.

Finally, as mentioned last week, RAW: Realms of Ancient War will release on XBL and European PSN on September 19th, a week from today. Its North American PSN date is September 25th, the following Tuesday. And PC players can get their hands on the hack & slash RPG on October 4th, a couple of Thursdays from now.
