Devil Summoner: Soul Hackers 3DS Screens Added
What else is new in the latest MegaTen remake? 07.23.12 - 11:55 PM Aside from getting a new opening and all the usual updates like improved graphics, Atlus' Devil Summoner: Soul Hackers for Nintendo 3DS will also let you change the difficulty anytime during the game. The COMP Hack menu, which is where you access new features, also includes an auto-mapping option and the ability to analyze the demons. You can leave on the full voice acting, another new addition, or disable it. The new screens and art in our gallery linked below give us a look at battles, menus, characters and a new demon named Nemecchi, whose power increases by way of Streetpass tags. Devil Summoner: Soul Hackers is slated for an August 30th release in Japan.