Mike Salbato
Pokémon Conquest Review
What could be a more obvious mix than Pokémon and Japanese warlords?
07.18.12 - 12:12 PM

I've said it before, but the simple fact that Pokémon Conquest exists is still something I'm adjusting to. Combining the turn-based strategy of the long-running Nobunaga's Ambition series with the... Pokémon-ness of Pokémon, its announcement was such that it rivaled the conceptual weirdness of Kingdom Hearts.

Of course, for many of us, we know that the formula worked for Kingdom Hearts. Does the same hold true for Pokémon Conquest? Did Tecmo Koei and Nintendo combine these two universes into a game that has solid legs to stand on, or will it go down in gaming history as a mere oddity?

Of course I can't tell you here, so go read Andrew's Pokémon Conquest review and see how he would answer these questions.
