Project X Zone Screens
And a really short TV ad. 07.05.12 - 11:12 PM The newest batch of Project X Zone screenshots actually surfaced last week... but with a Famitsu watermark. You can now find the watermark-less versions in our gallery. Most of them involve the game's newest reveals, plus Princess Devilotte de DeathSatan IX of Cyberbots and Rikiya Busujima (Zombie Revenge). Not to mention the game's original characters - student Mii Kouryuji and detective/ninja Kogoro Tenzai. While Mii loves guns (she even has a pair on her feet), Kogoro is better with a sword. Though most characters are paired up, a few can go solo, and can be summoned if a third member is needed. Ulala and Valkyrie are two such characters. Before you get to the screens (see gallery linked below), below is a very short TV ad for the game. Project X Zone for 3DS will go on sale in Japan on October 11th.