Next Guild Wars 2 Beta Weekend Event Coming June 8
Now with dungeons! 06.01.12 - 1:38 AM If you're like me and didn't get a chance to join in the Guild Wars 2 Beta Weekend or Stress Test events that have taken place over the past month, your chance is coming up soon! ArenaNet announced on Tuesday that the next BWE will take place from Friday, June 8, at noon PDT until Sunday, June 10, at 11:59pm PDT. So what are you going to do with 60 solid hours of Guild Wars 2? In addition to all the content available in the last BWE, ArenaNet have included the Ascalonian Catacombs dungeon, a group instance for characters level 35 or higher. And while the Sylvari and Asura races are still unavailable, players who participated in the previous BWE or Stress Test will be glad to know their characters have not been wiped, so they'll be able to pick up where they left off last time. ArenaNet have also worked to fix a lot of the issues from the last Beta Event. You will now be able to join the same overflow server as you party members, an issue that previously had players moving between zones in the hopes that they'd be placed in the same server as the people they were playing with. Along with that we'll see the ability to rebind keys, increased chat functionality, and better game performance and server stability, among other fixes. The Beta Weekend Event will be available to all players who pre-purchase Guild Wars 2. Do keep in mind that ArenaNet ran out of pre-purchase keys just before the start of the last BWE so those of you planning on buying the game for access to the BWE may want to do so soon. Additionally, several fansites are holding contests for beta codes, so keep an eye out if you want to play but you're not yet 100% sold on the game.
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