Andrew Barker
A Tour of Dragon Quest X: Puku Land and Ogleed
I'm not sure either place is somewhere I'd personally want to vacation...
05.29.12 - 10:26 PM

Dragon Quest X Online is still undergoing a testing phase in Japan so, while you wait, we've got some information on a couple of locales in the game world.

Puku Land is a a low level area that is definitely most famous for the adorable names of its landmarks. There's Pukulet, Popola, Rinkulu, Kira Kira Windmill, Orfea and the capital city of Megistrorys where the royal family reside.

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Am I the only one who finds the smile on the King Slime disturbing? Anyway, in this area you'll encounter three rather significant characters: Forsteel, a legendary hero of Megistrorys; Queen Arwe and her son, Prince Raguas.

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Next on our tourist list is Ogleed, the home of, you guessed it, the Ogres! This is a land of mountains and snow where many locations, namely the Langao Region, are covered in snow all year round. If you can speak (well, uh, read) Japanese, take a look at 4Gamer for a massively detailed list of all specific locations in the area.

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In terms of characters, Ogleed has a couple of notable ones, namely Marine the Sage, and Juliante. Talk about extremes of appearances, huh?

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Dragon Quest X Online is set for a release on August 2nd in Japan on Wii. A Wii U version will be released at a later date.

Check out our updated gallery for even more screens!
