Star Wars: The Old Republic Update 1.3 Is About Allies
New video and screens look at upcoming features. 05.22.12 - 11:18 PM Star Wars: The Old Republic's update 1.3, titled Allies, brings with it even more features, including more Legacy perks, the Group Finder system and character transfer system. Group Finder helps you easily put together groups in preparation for taking on flashpoints and operations. You can choose what kind of role you'd prefer to take on within the group and what type of challenge your group wants to face. The newest Legacy Perks include 'advancement' perks such as bonus EXP for continuing a character's story, bonuses for your companion, and a unlockable 'spawnable item repair droid,' among other bonuses. Adaptive Gear lets you coordinate so you and your allies have matching gear. Social gear can also be matched with your combat gear, so you'll get both armour bonuses and slots for armour mods. Finally, Allies also includes Augment Unlocks - where you can create and sell kits that unlock an augmentation modification slot. Now you can add augmentation slots to any gear that can be equipped. The video below has a look at what's to come in the update (as do the few new screens in our gallery), which does not yet have a release date.